Wednesday, October 27, 2010

OC Studio somewhat FAIL lol

So i was hired to take pictures of some models, and the awesome man who hired me rented out this studio. But none of the models who paid to come, showed up :( But it wasn't a total loss!! I learned alot :D
This was my first time in a studio being in control. I've worked in the studio at Oakley but just as an art director. I never got to be behind the camera and mess with the lighting! lol So i got to play around. it was fun! I'm definitely gonna be renting that place again! 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Bella, my dad found her when she was a puppy. Gave her to a friend :)

my family's dogs :D
the alaskan malamute mixes are street dogs!
My dad took them in. Each at different times. Chipspas is 11 years old and Maya is about 8 months. And of course the lil one is Baby :)

Traci Hines!

Got to take pictures of Traci Hines. She's freakin awesome!!! Check her out here 

My first paid gig!!!! :D

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of Emily and Troy! I'll be taking pictures at her Baby Shower and when the baby is born :)
She is also my first paid gig! Thank you Emily!